To change your Gallery Settings, hover over Sunshine, on the left-hand side, and click on Settings

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Click on the Galleries tab at the top of the screen

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Under Display Options, you can change several options

  • You can change how many columns and rows of thumbnails are on each page

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  • You can turn Image Theft Protection on and off

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  • You can turn the ability to purchase items on and off with the Proofing Only option

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  • You can customize the size of the thumbnails in pixels (if you are changing the size after you’ve already uploaded images, click here for some different steps)

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  • You can choose whether or not to show the image names under the thumbnails

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Under Watermark, you can choose to have a watermark automatically applied to your image as you upload the images

  • You will need to take your water mark image, as a .png, and upload it
  • On the left-hand side, hover over Media and click on Add New

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  • Click Select Images, and choose the watermark image you want to use
  • Go back to your Sunshine settings by hovering over Sunshine, clicking on Settings, then going to the Galleries tab
  • In the Watermark section, click the dropdown menu, and select the name of the watermark image you just uploaded

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  • Choose where you want the watermark to appear on your image

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  • Optionally, you can put in a specific pixel value to tell the watermark to stay that far away from the edge of the image

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Under Lightbox Options, you can enable or disable the gallery box that shows up in your sessions. You can also change the speed that the images cycle at, if the play slideshow button is pressed

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