Once logged into your Marketing Control Site:

1. Click the WEB button in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. Next click on the Session Proofing red text link. You should now see a screen with Sessions | Settings | Price Lists | Orders.
3. Click “Price Lists”.

You will only have ONE A La Carte to list the generic cost of each photo size you offer for all sessions. Click the red link “New A La Carte Product” to create your prices.
However, if your studio offers different A La Carte pricing per session type, then you can create one item packages as a work around.

As you scan down the page (especially as you add more price lists) will be a red link called “New Price List”. (Located right above the A La Carte title.) This link allows you to create multiple packages for different sessions as well as the one item packages that you can treat as another A La Carte. Watch a video below for more information on creating your price lists.

Once an order is placed you will recieve an email confirmation from your gateway and one from Marathon. The Marathon confirmation will also tell you what images were ordered. Your Marketing Control Site will also have an orders screen to show you pending orders and the ones you have completed. We are not a lab so you will need to process the orders and mail them out to your clients yourself.